A great free resource for getting or staying healthy is
SparkPeople.com . It's 100% free and they have a nutrition tracker, fitness tracker, message board, blogging, advice, articles, and more. I had heard about this site years ago and never visited, but last week I got hooked. I am over-weight, and like many people needed a little push in the right direction.
I love the nutrition tracker, it's do easy - enter the foods that you have eaten and it totals at the end of the day all the calories, and nutritional values. They have foods listed you can choose from or enter your own food and its nutrition information. At the end of the day you can see a report that shows how you daily intake was, and from this report I have learned that I do not get my daily % of calcium.
The fitness tracker is so cool, fill in the exercises for the day and it totals up the day calories burned, and you can also set up goals for the week and use this to get motivated to reach them. I learned that the 4 hours I spent digging up the yard and planting some flowers and shrubs I burned 805 calories Sunday.
You can set up a personal home page and write a blog about you healthy adventure. They even have active teams you can join with other members are similar as you or your interests. The message boards are alive with people asking question, telling their stories and replying with advice and motivation.
SparkRecipes.com you can print, import into you nutrition tracker, and organize a cook book all online. I have already found 4 recipes, tried them and rated them.
This site is a great help to keeping people motivated to get and stay healthy.