Oooooooohhh, pleats are everywhere this season! Pleats on skirts, blouses, pants, dresses, shoes and even on handbags too. All you have to do is search 'Pleated' at
Neiman Marcus or Saks and up pop lots of lovely things.
So next up is a inverted box pleated skirt in dark denim or black. The list of patterns I like so far are:
Burda 8034
view A has a wide waistband, 5 front pleats and 5 back pleats with a side zipper
Hotpatterns 1017
Has a small waist band, 4 front pleats and 4 back pleats top stitched down to hip area, deep hem and a side zipper
Butterick 5285
View 'C' and 'D' have a small waist band 6 pleats in front and 6 pleats in back that are stitched to hip area with a back zipper
Butterick 4686
View 'A' and 'B' have 7 pleats in front and 7 pleats in back, no waist band (pleats start at top) that are stitched to the hip area, and side zipper
I am leaning towards Butterick 4686, mainly because I already have this pattern in my stash and have sewn up a test, I also have Burda 8034 and love the waistband ............but I am still looking closely at the others.
For inspiration I found this cute skirt at Newport News

Should I do dark denim or a black twill?