
Monday, June 9, 2014

Block Tutorial - Pick Up Sticks

Block Tutorial - Pick Up Sticks (Improv Block Making)

I am not normally a improv quilter. I like plans and maps and the orderly process of quilt making. Improvisation scares me, yep it does!
I know there are other quilters like me and I know that there are quilters who are thrilled to cut and sew with wild abandon. But sadly thats not me...

So to get over my fear and learn to love the freedom this type of piecing can bring, I decided to make a tutorial for all the 'uptight - like their rules - always needing a pattern' quilters like me :)

Start with a 13" square of solid fabric and strips from 1" to 2" wide strips (any size you have, but much longer than 13") of solid fabrics. Use as many strips as you want.

Now lay the 13" square on your cutting board. 
You are going to cut it ....and not use a measurement.
But do use a ruler to make a straight cut.
Make a cut - yea, go ahead and do it! I promise it will be ok!

Next take one of the strips and place it on the cut square.
Take it to the sewing  machine and using a 1/4" seam allowance sew it.

Press the strip and trim even with the original square.

Trim both ends.

Now line up the other side of the square.
Make sure you have at least 1/4" points on the top and bottom.

See here... the little point.
Sew and then press. 

Now you are ready to add another strip.
Cut as before, but make sure to have fun with it!!

Add another strip.
Keep going until you feel happy :)

Now you have an untrimmed block.
Press well 
Optional - I use spray starch, it helps with my uptight 'A' type personality ;)

Trim to 12.5" square.
All done and you did it!!
You just did improv block making!!

1 comment:

  1. You already know how much I LOVE this! Slice and insert at it's finest. Besides that it's a block and technique I'm very familiar with, you know what I like best? You tried it and it looks fabulous!
